I am in a dilemma to decide whether i'm a shopaholic!! Well i do love shopping!! Although i am not a lavish spender!! I Love it,its not just the window shopping i love... i don't like spending plenty just on these perishables!! Every time i end up with an impulsive buy i turn all sad and guilty... so my thoughts about shopping kinda lies a lil bit here and a little bit there.
Yes i am a down to earth person, i am in for comforts and fun but totally against show offs or unnecessary extravaganza! saying that i do love an occasional Gucci or Chanel... but i limit it for something that i can use for a long term basis though!
Yes i am a down to earth person, i am in for comforts and fun but totally against show offs or unnecessary extravaganza! saying that i do love an occasional Gucci or Chanel... but i limit it for something that i can use for a long term basis though!
i have to say "I HATE TRIALS" OMG especially when i go for a window shopping and end up trying something!! but this trial phobia have been a blessing in disguise most of the times, helped me save a few bucks and also to avoid those nerve wrecking guilt trips of mine!
I feel my dressing table is crowded with accessories, cosmetics and a zillion things but still i don't have the perfect matching ones i want?? but i do have this habit of collecting things,i still have the ones i used to have when i was in my college! and Yeah it all started way before i got married!! Its hard for me to be satisfied with my shopping, either i don't like what i bought or its the price that i hate!! Its only once in a while i'll want something 'specific' as in fashion or color or brand and i will end up looking for it for months, checking out every shop and every mall before i find it... and sadly there are still a lot i haven't found! and by mistake if i make an unsatisfactory purchase there ends my list for a while, yes i 'll just end it! else i will torture myself until i do a sacrifice any time soon! So its kinda my obligation to myself to make sure in the end my shopping bags have the things that will make me smile and not give a frown! Saying all this, i feel myself relaxed after a visit to the mall...Yep its my answer to stress! its like a soothing bubble bath for me... But only because i usually dont buy anything that will give me sleepless nights thinking of the less fortunate, believe me that happens until i return the so called item! hats off to my conscience for not loosing the humanity along the years!
The bottom line is when it comes to my Shopping agenda, i make sure to always ask myself "do i really need this?" before i make a purchase. So usually i carry the things i have picked up around the shop for a while before i discard it, so that my mind(the "woman" side") will realize itself that it is indeed an unnecessary purchase! So in the end for most percentage of my shopping i come back with a full heart feeling happy not coz i bought something new but coz i had the guts to let go of things i never wanted in the first place!
what i would like to say to the present "branded" world is to always try to remember what the people are deprived of before you make a random impulsive buy, i am not advising to sacrifice or not to enjoy the little luxuries of life, life do owe us those pamperings that we give ourselves but just to take a moment to thank and think about other human being in this world who aren't gone shopping at that moment... its a great way to let go of the world that surround us at that moment, the so called high maintenance "branded" Sheikha's...it will make us delusional and its only human or should i say "lady like" to be enticed by that world... but learn to snap out of it, it will bring you more happiness than an "Armani"! After all its not the brands or the price tag that counts its the heart and the ability to see through other people in distress that counts...

Tying to at least even fight our desire to over do things is the frrst step and thinking about other less fortunate people and kids are the best way to do it... it will be easier to say "No" then with a smile to the sales girl even though just a while back she coaxed you into buying it... so the longer the distance from the trial room to the counter the more things you will discard coz we really do pick a lot we dont need!
All being said I love shopping, after all its in our hormones and kinda our right... but next time just try to do another round before you reach the counter and buy you sometime to clear that mind :)
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