Sometimes i smile, sometimes i cry... sometimes i frown and at times i am shy...
don't ask me why...what ever it is... its just a Girl's mind!
Yeah, Girls are different... they dream, they have fantasies... they believe in fairy tales, and a happily ever after... I am one of them...
i dream, dreams are something that gives us wings... wings to fly high,when we feel low... They give us hope, the energy to live... If it comes true its a dream come true! if not... we'll still have something to dream about...
Life's beautiful, is it? i would say.." yes it is" but not for everyone... we can paint our own life... even though it might not turn out perfect but it might turn out good... we can make it colorful or we can make it back and white... Its our choice...
We often come across obstacles,hardships and sorrows in our life... but that doesn't mean we need to quit our dreams and just end up being desperate and pessimistic forever... when one door closes, another opens... its true... we can consider life as a tunnel, or a road... we somehow end up there... in a deserted road... we come across many people in our travel, they become our family,friends, acquaintances and some still remain as a stranger. During our journey, we'll have to cross junctions... where we'll have to decide which route to take... some might take us to our destiny while some reach a dead end.
During our trip, we will have to face obstacles and traffic jams... where some quits while some still wait and wait... and Others take a U turn!
The hidden fact,that might help us keep going in life is...Every road we take untimely end at the same point...which can be our destiny! Its just the matter of different routes... Some might take long, some might be lucky enough to find the easiest route, while some will take forever...
But there's no point in going back now or quitting!, especially after coming this long!

During this journey we'll collect some beautiful moments, few bad dreams and some fears... Lets take only the Sweet moments ahead and leave the others behind...
'Love' contributes to most of those sweet moments we collect... Love's not just Romance! it has greater meanings than that... its the bond shared between the mother and her baby, between the husband and wife, between a kid and his pet, between two best friends... love makes up sweet memories for us... a hug from our loved one will wipe away our tears... even a silence can comfort us, if its from our loved one... So lets keep it close to our heart always...
Whatever it is.. lets just take a deep breath and continue our journey which might take us to our destiny...
'Hope' keeps us living... never let it go... Dreams and hope... they go hand in hand... we dream of something we want and hope to get it one day...
Lets embrace these... hope,dreams and love... which will help us over come anything that comes our way...
Lets Hope for the best! and love our beautiful life! :)
Copyright 2007 Sajima Azeez - All Rights Reserved
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